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Beauty & Wellness Programs

不伦瑞克社区学院目前提供非学位美容课程 & 美容技术、美甲技术、按摩疗法和自然头发护理的健康课程. Please see the options below. 要注册,请点击下面的在线注册按钮,并在搜索栏中输入课程名称.

了解更多信息或查询其他非学位课程, please email For information on pursuing a Cosmetology degree, certificate, or diploma at Brunswick Community College, CLICK HERE.



本课程为学生提供了在det365手机版官网的流线型中学习美容艺术的机会, non-degree licensure course. 它通过关注安全,为学生做好工作准备, sanitation, theory, and hands-on training in the salon environment. Upon completion, 学生可以参加北卡罗来纳州美容艺术审查员委员会州委员会执照考试.


Esthetician I

学生将专注于学习在美学领域取得成功所需的基本技能. Topics will include safety and sanitation practices, facials, hair removal, microdermabrasion, makeup application and chemical peels. 学生将学习客户服务,并在有执照的教练的直接监督下,在模拟沙龙环境中接受实际操作培训. Additional cost for books, kits, and uniforms.

Esthetician II

Prerequisite: Esthetics Part I. 课程主题包括高级护理、沙龙业务和就业技能. 学生将在有执照的教练的指导下,在模拟沙龙环境中提供服务和接受培训. 成功完成本课程后,学生有资格参加NC州董事会执照考试. Additional cost for licensure fees.

Massage Therapy

Massage I

按摩治疗课程的第一部分旨在通过课堂作业和实际操作培训为按摩治疗师的职业生涯奠定坚实的专业基础. Topics include anatomy & 生理学、病理学、运动学和瑞典按摩. Additional costs for books and uniforms.

Massage II

Prerequisite: Massage Therapy I. 在按摩治疗计划的第二部分,课程继续指导运动和坐式按摩, business law and ethics as well as hands on training. 学生们将在有执照的按摩教练的指导下在模拟按摩诊所进行按摩服务. 成功完成课程后,学生有资格参加由FSTMB (MBLEX)管理的执照考试。. Additional cost for books and licensing exam.

Additional Beauty and Wellness Programs


这一学期的课程将侧重于培养修指甲和修脚技能. 学生将通过传统的讲座和实践临床培训来学习. Topics include safety and sanitation requirements, skills and techniques in artificial nail enhancements, nail art, and customer service. 学生们在模拟的沙龙环境中学习最新的程序,并获得宝贵的经验,为客户提供全方位的修指甲和修脚服务. 本课程准备学生参加北卡州董事会执照考试. Additional Fees for kit, books, and uniform.

Natural Hair Care

这个300小时的课程旨在教学生如何在不使用烫发/放松剂和染发等化学物质的情况下护理自然头发. 发型技术包括编、扭、包、伸、锁自然头发.

det365手机版官网 esthetics student practicing facials

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